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Tuesday, 29 Mar 2011 6:23 - It exists!
Watching the Drew Carey show tonight. The episode Drew Cam came on and I saw lewis' email...so I had to see that it existed or not...and it does! Brilliant! - The Hockaday.
Monday, 21 Mar 2011 23:53 - Love that this site actually exists.
Love that YOU exist! =] - Lauren D.
Sunday, 20 Mar 2011 22:57 -
I always loved The Drew Carey Show when I was younger but my mom was super protective of my innocent ears and wouldn't let me watch it. Recently, I rediscovered the show and remembered why I loved it so much so I've been watching it like crazy! Lewis and Oswald=Epic duo! - Sarah
Tuesday, 28 Dec 2010 9:41 - Saw the Drew-Cam ep
Haha cant believe this site exists, figured it would be a spam site. Love it, keep up the good work admin! - Scott C of Newcastle, Australia
Thursday, 23 Apr 2009 0:34
Happy Birthday. - someone in Illinois
Tuesday, 21 Apr 2009 5:52 - Thought this wasn`t a real site :-)
Boy was I surprised it was real! I too was watching a rerun of the show and decided to give the adress a try. The Drew Carey show is one of my all-time favourites. - Atle in Norway
Thursday, 26 Mar 2009 19:07 - thumbs up on your work
Like anyone else, I was watching a rerun of Drew and saw the email address. By the way, I only started watching that show cuz you were on it and I loved your work on the Brit "Whos line is it anyways". Now it's cool to se you in 2 and half men. I think it's cool that the Hot Shot cast got back together for that show. - Pati Lecoq Powers
Saturday, 3 Jan 2009 11:4 - Subject: Funniest man on the planet
Hi Lewis/ Ryan... Just wanted to say I think you are the funniest person I have ever seen. Hope to see more of you, particularly in improv comedy. Thanks for a million laughs. Oh, I heard about this site watching an old Drew Carey Show episode. Take care. - Alan
Monday, 10 Nov 2008 11:25 - wow
i didnt think this place actually existed. boy was i wrong... haha! pretty awesome though. just watching all the drew carey seasons on youtube and came to drew cam today. someone wrote a comment wondering if this place was real and i had to check it out. i cracked up when i clicked on the hands! this site made my day :D - Bri
Monday, 10 Nov 2008 9:06 - Just Hello
I came across your domain name on the Drew Carey show. Thanks for Whose line... by the way, makes me laugh all the time. Do more skits with Colin and sound effects. The audience sucks at doing sound effects. - daniel
Monday, 10 Nov 2008 2:10 - Who's Line is it anyway
This show is much better than the DCS. Are you really ad-libbing in Who's line is it anyway? - Joel Kroon
Friday, 19 Sep 2008 14:28 - hi
Dear Ryan. I salute you. Good luck! - Thereon
Saturday, 13 Sep 2008 13:44 - Yay!
Thanks for all the laughs you have given me! Have a great year! BTW, I think I saw some of your shoes being sold on ebay.... :D Love your work! - Ant
Wednesday, 6 Aug 2008 0:31 - Thank-you
I'm currently watching all 9 Seasons of the Drew Carey show. I just finished Season 4 and started on Season 5 when I saw your ad promotion in episode 9 of that season. Thank you for everything you have given us between the Drew Carey Show, and Whose Line is it Anyway. I wish you the best of health. - David
Friday, 4 Jul 2008 12:27 - does this work?
Really, do this work?? - me
Sunday, 27 Apr 2008 20:19 - Your Birth
Hey Ryan! Just wanted to stop by and say Happy Happy 49th Birthday! [belated] if today were the 22nd then i owuld be right on time, but i didn't know if this site was still up, but HEY it is! so happy birthday/earth day ;-) hope it was awesome - your fan, katie
Thursday, 27 Mar 2008 0:46 - Subject: DVD episodes
Hey Ryan, I love your work on both the Drew Carey show, as well as Whose line. I love analizing every character on Drew Carey for consistancy, it's just a hobby of mine because I plan on becoming a writer someday. So far I find that Lewis is my favorite character as far as that concept is concerned. I just thought I'd let you know that. I was also wondering if you happened to know when any of the other seasons would be coming out. By the way, I found this website from the episode "drew cam" peace. - Al
Thursday, 27 Mar 2008 0:43 - your awesome
Whatsup - gothboy
Tuesday, 25 Mar 2008 0:17 - Funny man
Here we are in WA state kicking back for the night watching an old episode of Drew and there flashes this website.....we just had to see if it was still there! Too funny- love watching these repeats! Lewis you rock! - Trish and Steve
Monday, 24 Mar 2008 21:09 - Where we found this web site
I just got a new HDTV box and in looking through all the new channels I have, I FOUND a station called ION, for TelevisION. And at 9 PM guess what show comes on, "The Drew Cary Show" And the episode they are airing tonight is when Drew has prices on all those things in his living room and you walk in and show the sign with this URL on it. My daughter is sitting here watching TV with me and laughed and said "let's see if it's still online." To our surprise, it is! THANK YOU. You are so VERY funny. Cheers. enJOY - Melanie and Sara
Monday, 24 Mar 2008 21:08 - lewis lewis lewis
Just saw this episode on ION 3/24/2008 9:00PM EST Keysville, Virginia, USA. Just for kicks wanted to see if it was for real. Hilarious! I think you've been hilarious in everything I've seen you in. Keep the faith! - notarealaddress
Saturday, 22 Mar 2008 16:12 - Playskool Spots
I was pleasantly surprised recently by a series of 15 second commercials for Playskool featuring Ryan Stiles. I've seen three different ones so far. They show them often on TBS. I was wondering if anyone knows how many were made? - Nancy
Saturday, 22 Mar 2008 11:45 - a-hoy-a-hoy!
Hi Ryan/Lewis, I first saw you a coupla months ago and can't get enough of your style of comedy! I only saw the clip from the Drew Carey Show today and didn't actually think that this site existed. It saddens me that they've stopped Whose Line and DCS, as they were both spectacular shows. I'm sure Drew can use his $$$-wielding-influence to get them back on the air! :P As you've probably guessed you have a very big fan-base all over the world, including the UK. Hopefully you'll join Colin or Greg in the UK to do some stand-up some time. Take care - Nadia
Sunday, 2 Mar 2008 12:12 - Heyx
Hey Ryan You Are The Coolest Ever!!! I Love You Especially On WLIIA? Classic! Love You - Sophie,12,UK - PS I Hope To Meet You Some Day!
Sunday, 24 Feb 2008 5:36 - Hi there!
Very cool that this email is still active after 5 years! I just found it today. Lewis, you definitely have a hot bod! I reference "The Dog and Pony Show," in which the gang did the Full Monty to raise money to replace Mrs. Louder's prize winning pooch. And with an IQ like yours, I'm surprised the women at the Warsaw aren't all over you. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think you are a hottie. Oh, and that actor Ryan Stiles is cute too. Well, I'm off to get a Buzz Beer. Ciao for now - Nancy
Friday, 22 Feb 2008 10:48 - :P
watz^ - mikey
Thursday, 21 Feb 2008 0:51 - !?
Do you actually read the mails you get? My friend told me about your site - a freaky fan you don't know
Tuesday, 19 Feb 2008 21:16 - Hey
Hey Lewis, I was watching the Drew Carey Show, and I saw your sign. I just had to find out if it was really a site! You're really funny! I have a question: Do you like macaroni? - ???
Wednesday, 13 Feb 2008 21:38 - HI
Saturday, 22 Dec 2007 18:53 - i hate ,you, i gusssssssss!
i,i,i, hate you but i love you. no.no.no and no. no mater i am 8! i donot even know you. sooooooooo,i mean sooooooooo,i guess iloveyou sooooooooo much! reambeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr that i am 8!!!!!!!!! ......... SOOOOOOOOO IIIIIIIII LLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEE YYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUU!.........!!!!!!!!!......... ......... - bryanne lewis
Monday, 3 Dec 2007 6:19 - hey ryan
hi ryan :) my name is Amy im 15 from the UK, im a huge fan of yours and we both have something in common. we both have huge feet :) so im kinda happy bout that.i really would love to meet you one day but i cant see any chance of that happening :( anyway i gotta go but i really hope that you'll email me :))))))) o i found this site when i googled your name :) love ya loads bye - sex_bunny_amy
Sunday, 18 Nov 2007 7:29 - a new born fan
Two months ago I didn't know who Ryan Stiles was. Today I'm going mad cos I can't get him out of my head. Did you know a woman can have an orgasm from laughing very hard??? )))))) Ryan, you are a sweetest thing! I though I passed the mad crushes time. Guess not. - From Catherine in Glasgow, UK
Sunday, 30 Sep 2007 11:24 - Enjoy you!!!!!!
I amd my wife really enjoy whose line is it and that yall get so downright wacky is halarious my wife is one who giggle smorts uncontrollaby when her funnybone is tickled so she is a show in herself when you are on. Keep up thwe good work, Enjoyed you in the Hot Shots movie as well. - Duke & Angela of River Oaks Texas
Thursday, 13 Sep 2007 22:33
I heard this on Mr.Cigar and thought it was funny. I think you're awesome Ryan but don't worry, i'm not obsessive.. oh man.. there are some creepy crazy ass fans out there! For that reason, i wouldn't want to be famous. Stay real. - i love mr.cigar
Tuesday, 21 Aug 2007 0:30 - Sqee!
I love you, Your amazing I want to meet you Sqeee!! - Jaynie
Thursday, 14 Jun 2007 10:18 - Get a Job in Commercials
Hi Lewis. I think your quite a comedian. In some ways you remind me of Danny Kaye, an old time entertainer but very talented. I enjoy seeing you interact with Oswald on The Drew Carey Show. Both of you continue the legacy of Buddy comics like Lenny and Squiggy and Abbott and Costello. On the Ryan Stiles side of life, I noticed that your pal Colin from WHO'S LINE IS IT ANYWAY got a gig as a Snack Fairy on TV commericals. I'd like to see you do more TV ads. Not that I want you to dress up in a pink tutu and wave a wand like Colin (he does it so well) but I'd like you to get branded as a commerical mascot as well. That way you'd become an icon and people will have to look at your face no matter what channel they switch to. Imagine a world with 24 hours of Lewis/Ryan. Some might call that HELL, but I think it would be HEAVEN. - jholst
Wednesday, 9 May 2007 0:00 - Elf Training p.s.s.
Found this site watching rerun - n.matlockcomcast.net
Tuesday, 8 May 2007 23:48 - Mid-Year Christmas Elf Training
Mid-Year Elf training this June 15th at Winford-Louder in the HR offices. Please come for this mandatory drug testing and the restraint under pressure course. Punch & pie will be served! p.s. Don't come in costume!! - n.matlock
Tuesday, 8 May 2007 8:36 - Hot Hot Hot
Lewis, you are the ideal man. Large feet, big hands, exceptionally sized nose... You get my drift. I love you! - Connie
Friday, 27 Apr 2007 22:48 - made in 1988
Sunday, 15 Apr 2007 3:44 - Hi Lewis
Are you still receiving emails on this site, I love you. - Gail
Tuesday, 5 Nov 1955 10:04 - Doc!
This is heavy. - Marty
Friday, 16 Feb 2007 6:11 - G'Day
Hey Lewis, Just thought we would let you know that we are big fans of yours and we love watching you and the crew on Whose Line is it Anyway & the Drew Carey Show. We would love it if you could bring Whose Line Down Under (Sydney, Australia)! Cheers, Have a good one! - Lisa & Josh
Thursday, 18 Jan 2007 12:29 - um...okay, right.
This may be the most bizarre website I have ever found. Yet, I can't avert my eyes. I remember that episode, but I never actually checked the site. It's an interesting study in human psychology, I imagine. Is HAL reading this? http://www.myspace.com/charity0677 - Charity
Thursday, 4 Jan 2007 18:39 - First Post of 2007!
w00t! I guess I get the first sign of 2007! Just remembered this site, I signed this a couple years ago on the email address derekjcons.sympactico.ca, cool stuff, does anyone actually read this anymore? We shuold make this into a BBS board, if only there was enough activity. Later Lewis! - Whitey
Monday, 25 Dec 2006 23:14 - holidays
Ryan- Merry Merry Christmas. Happy Happy New Year. Hope this year was great. Hope next year is even better! - Katie
Wednesday, 20 Dec 2006 6:26 - Japan
I live in Japan. Just imagine how big your hands would be here buddy! You kick ass dude! - Ray
Friday, 1 Dec 2006 12:02 - Hi there.
I heard from the Drew Carey show that this website exist. - Bjorn Sundin
Thursday, 23 Nov 2006 23:48
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone on the site and to the whole Stiles family! God Bless!
Saturday, 14 Oct 2006 20:29
no clue how 2 say this but I LOVE YOU RYAN u r sooo funny on whose line and definatly have the best shoes they are soooooooo awsome where did you get them?! YOU r the best on the showww i love youuu please e-mail me back - lilduckay817
Friday, 13 Oct 2006 18:36
i was just on the internet and because i was bored!!! i wish i could meet u and Colin and Wayne. then we could be friends. but if i seen any of u guys i would be sooooo scared becaue i'm very shy when it comes to people and talking.. i love to watch WHOSE LINE? i have the DVD i wish u and the guys would come down here.. becaues i think it would be sooo cool.. we get hardly any people here excapt when the Sprint Cars are down for the Nationals.. to bad this town don't have a comity place then maybe WHOSE LINE? could preform.. i'm soooo bord right now.. don't u live in Canada with Colin or up there somewhere.. on WHOSE LINE they only made fun of your buddy,Colin...better let u get back to your family!! please e-mail me back .. - your friend SAMANTHA aka SAM
Monday, 9 Oct 2006 22:55 - when.........
When are you going to show up on t.v. again....come'on man....we all need the laughter.... - warlock139
Tuesday, 26 Sep 2006 23:36 - YOU on dvd!
i'm sooo excited . I have just heard that i can watch my favorite person ever! A.K.A Ryan Stiles on DVD! whoot whoot! Thanks for all the good times buddy! - Katie
Friday, 15 Sep 2006 16:42 - YAY RYAN!!!
Mr. Ryan Stiles I am a huge fan of your work on whose line is it anyway, and on the drew carey show. you and colin are my favorites. Thanks for the laughs. ...how's your head???(neon lights incident) - erica
Sunday, 3 Sep 2006 14:06
I found out about this website on the drew carey show.I am a HUGE fan of you. Could you please send me email? - Cara Jaye (a huge fan)
Saturday, 2 Sep 2006 21:05 - Ryan!
Hey I just googled your name and somehow found this website.. Wish I'd found it sooner tough. But lately I've been watching the Drew Carey show like crazy and I just love you on it and Lewis is so funny! Also on Whose Line when you and Colin Mochrie are put together I just find it hard to breath sometimes! Love you man! And I'm gonna keep watching Drew Carey show and WLIIA till I throw up from watching Drew! - irisgs92
Wednesday, 30 Aug 2006 10:00 - smilies
can put a link of you on my site www.Smilies.com I think it would be a hoot :) visit my site and send me a msg I didn't want to post my email here - Ron
Wednesday, 30 Aug 2006 4:36 - "Drew Cam"
*laughs* I'm watching a Drew Carey Show rerun, and I just HAD to see if "lewishotbod.com" exists. Ryan Stiles is extremely funny, and the Ryan/Colin comedy combo is the only reason I watch "Whose Line" at all. I'm glad this place exists. It's weirdly comforting. Hooray for Ryan! - Justin the Mighty
Wednesday, 30 Aug 2006 3:59 - Hey
Ryan, you are THE MAN. Check out my myspace at http://www.myspace.com/pike1181 - Joel
Wednesday, 30 Aug 2006 3:07 - Whose line
How come Diedrich Bader was never on Whose Line? He always seemed to do well on the live/improv episodes of Drew Carrey. - test0zero
Wednesday, 30 Aug 2006 2:37 - omg
this is too funny i had to check out the site when i seen it on tv - klrh121977
Wednesday, 30 Aug 2006 0:41 - u never know until u try
who'da thunk, lol...that this was a real site...i saw it on the drew carey show on 8/30/06 at 12:36 am - kianna
Wednesday, 30 Aug 2006 0:38 - Hey there
Just saw the lewishotbod episode on 26 houston and wanted to see what was here! All the best - John R
Wednesday, 30 Aug 2006 0:37 - Hey Ryan
Hello Ryan, I wanted to say how much I enjoy your work. Whose line is it anyway? was very funny. Lately. It's been more late night Drew Carry re-runs (which is where I found this site) I'm watching the "Drew Cam" episode right now. I have two questions for you...first one is who were your major comedic influences? Number two has now escaped me. but if you could answer the first, it would be wonderful. Thanks, your devoted fan - Zach
Tuesday, 29 Aug 2006 2:40 - we Luv Lewis (and, by default, Ryan, too)
I've always thought Ryan was just the cutest guy; smart, funny and sexy, devilish grin, BIG ol' feet, and beautiful, mischievous eyes. Naturally, as I'm sittin' here seeing, for the first time, the syndicated episode of Drew Carey where Lewis holds up a sign with the name of his website on it, I had NO CHOICE but to check it out. I'm happy to see that it's alive and kickin' up a ruckus with those big ol' feet! Isn't that great? OK Ryan, let's see some skin! I promise not to tell the missus......... - rlm7in
Thursday, 17 Aug 2006 12:12 - a big fan
Hey, staff members at lewishotbod- I really doubt Ryan reads these on a regular basis, but just in case...I'm a huge fan of yours, Mr. Stiles. I think you're hilarious both on Drew and Whose Line. Free publicity here- I really want to come up to the upfront theatre someday and see you perform! Good luck in whatever you want to do :) - wouldn't you like to know...well...probably not
Monday, 7 Aug 2006 20:25 - thanks a lot!
Ryan- as you can see...which i hope you are checking this site..you have lots of fans...and you have improved many peoples lives. I am now one of those people. I have been a fan for a long time...but this past month has been exspecially hard. My grandmother had to get radiation on her brain, my father is in the middle of his 2nd divorce, my [birth]mother told me she was pregnant with twins and my step sister's grandmother died. And a boy i went to school with was tragically killed in a car crash and his friend is still in a coma. All of this happened within 2-3 weeks. It's very hard to cope with. But, for one--the way my mother found to tell me was by looking at this site and since i post a lot figured out how to contact me. 2nd-i just want to thank you for keeping me and thousands of other fans laughing through all the good and bad times! you truly are a hero! To you Ryan Stiles--i send my love and thanks! - A fan :)
Sunday, 6 Aug 2006 20:28 - U R SO COOL!
I hope this is really going to you. I am your number one fan, Ryan. I learn a lot about you from the computer. I have a binder full of your pictures, a desktop of you, a picture of you on my wall, and tapes of Whose Line Is It Anyway? You are my favorite on there, you should feel good about yourself. You make me laugh soooo hard! Trust me, there is a lot going on in my life, and I do not laugh a lot. You are the only person that makes me laugh hard. I chuckle every once in a while, but I rarely laugh. Only you make me laugh. I think that you are adorable! I have around 200 pictures of you on an internet file of mine. Please e-mail me! My E-mail address is hdross.
Friday, 4 Aug 2006 11:32 - My Deaf son
This is where I found your web site. http://boards3.warnerbros.com/wbol/thread.jspa?messageID=2004272199 . My son is profoundly deaf. He goes to a really cool school for deaf and hard of hearing children ages 2months to kindergarten. He has been going since he was 8 months old. He is now four. You can see him on there web site at www.happyhands.org. He is the kid in the white shirt with sunglasses on with a group of kids. He is the best thing that has ever happened in my life. Well he recently got a cochlear implant. It has been really cool to see him improve. Well at home I am constantly working with him to listen more and do more vocally. Well I have been watching Whose line is it reruns recently and Devin is really into them now. He seems to be most fond of you... and ryan stiles and i don't know if it is because of your expressions or your voices but he really seems to like you and ryans reactions with each other. So you are now a bribery tool for my son to read and practice speech with me more. So basically this is my long winded way of saying thank you and my appreciation for the work you do. - Brandy
Friday, 4 Aug 2006 18:15 - Keep up the good work!
Thanks for everything you have done! Keep up the good work! - Katie
Saturday, 22 Jul 2006 9:58
Wow, this is incredible :D All this for two lousy seconds :D - ors
Saturday, 15 Jul 2006 16:53 - you
Nice ties, man. Improv > scripted - Simon
Wednesday, 12 Jul 2006 22:12 - Saw your email on a rerun
Hi Lewis, saw a rerun of the Drew Carey Show and want to know how big is your freakishly large hands. - Jacqui
Monday, 26 Jun 2006 13:58 - You own, Lewis!
Keep up the great work, buddy! ^_^ - RedXevious
Friday, 23 Jun 2006 11:04
i would like to know who posts the messages? Is it ryan...since he clearly knows about the site since he's the one who flashed the site name or is it someone else who is just as big of fan as the rest of us?? If the poster person would like to let me know ... i'd be happy :o) thanks - katie
Thursday, 22 Jun 2006 22:11 - any seattle shows coming up?
lol bet it's hard to believe you're still getting mail from a 2 second plug. gotta love reruns $$$ anyway..i heard you preformed recently in seattle and was ticked i missed it. you have anything else planned for the seattle area in the immediate future? big fan of your improv! - dave
Wednesday, 21 Jun 2006 12:58
Hi Lewis have a nice day... just a message to get u through the day - katie
Wednesday, 21 Jun 2006 1:35 - hi
how tall are you? - leanne
Tuesday, 20 Jun 2006 19:53 - Tony from Tulsa
Can you belive it? 2 seconds on the air and all of this! - Tony
Tuesday, 20 Jun 2006 18:40 - Hi Lewis
Hi Lewis I saw it on the Drew Carey Show. - Greg Portland, Or
Tuesday, 20 Jun 2006 18:39
I herd about this website on the drew cary show and wanted to see if it was a real website.By the way im your biggest fan. write me back. - ehoulgate
Tuesday, 20 Jun 2006 18:37 - drew carey rocks!
Tuesday, 20 Jun 2006 16:0
i heard about dis email on tha drew carey show. - hfdghrjhfdjgfdgjjg
Tuesday, 20 Jun 2006 16:00 - holy cow
holy cow, this is a real website.... - Zach in Tulsa, OK
Tuesday, 20 Jun 2006 15:43 - I can't believe this is real
I was watching a rerun today and just thought it would be funny to look the website up. I can't believe it is real. I love lewis and oswald on the show... so much funnier than drew or kate. - Chris
Tuesday, 20 Jun 2006 15:42
Crazy stuff. - Gainesville FLorida
Tuesday, 20 Jun 2006 15:40 - OMG
So I was just watchign a re run of the Drew Carry Show and i saw this site!!!! I can't beleive it exsits. I love that show and I love whos line is it anyway!!!! Ha ha. This is awesome. I love you! - Brat
Tuesday, 20 Jun 2006 15:39 - Ur The best comedian ever!
Ryan, I just have one question. Which did you like doing better: The British Who's Line or when you did it with Drew? Thanks for being an awsome actor and comedian! - Improver in Training
Tuesday, 20 Jun 2006 15:38 - Comedian
Hello, I saw the Drew Carey show in which this site was promoted and I want to say that show was short lived as it was one of my favorites. I think all the people on there were great. I loved it when the people of What's my Line were on there too. I'll be looking for the next place or show that has the same feel. - Lauren in NY
Tuesday, 20 Jun 2006 15:38
hey lewis(dont actually know your real name) i was jus watchin the episode of drew carey where you flashed your email, and i wanted to see if it was real. So anyway...bye! - boogyogy07
Monday, 19 Jun 2006 21:26
im only 12... but UR AMAZING... please send me an autographed picture of youself... (please)you rock... ur soooooo halarious... if i forgot to say this befor... (please send me one) - morg
Sunday, 18 Jun 2006 21:42 - Happy Father's Day
I wanted to wish you a Happy Father's Day!! - Suzanne
Sunday, 18 Jun 2006 18:18 - Fathers Day
Happy Father's Day Ryan!!! Hope ur spending some great family time with Pat and the kids!! Luv Ya - Palooza
Friday, 16 Jun 2006 22:22 - LUV YA...CUZ UR MY HERO!
hey ryan.... love the show[s]! Lewis kicks a$$!!! yay lewis anyway ur my hero cuz i wanna be a comedian...can't wait till im older and i join [hopefully] join a improv troupe or second city!! - <3 palooza aka katie
Thursday, 18 May 2006 21:15 - Ryan you are my hero
Hey Ryan. What's up. My name is Erica, I'm in 7th grade and I LOVE to act, and I sometimes try and do improv with my friends. I LOVE Whose Line is it Anyway and TDCS. I think you and Colin are the best on WLIIA. You are my all time hero, and it would mean a WHOLE lot to me if you could respond to me at supersmiley. Thanks. Your #1 fan, Erica p.s. you REALLY are my hero!!! - supersmiley
Wednesday, 10 May 2006 8:35 - Right on brotha I hear yeah!
Riiiight on brotha I hear yea!! yeah man yeah!! Im the J Man,! - Ken James
Sunday, 7 May 2006 13:42 - hey ryan
hey ryan just wanted to let you know: i went to colin and brads show last night and people were screaming your name all over the place (including me) someone even wrote down for sentences:"Where's Ryan when you need him?" Just thought I'd let you know about ur fans! - Katie <3
Wednesday, 3 May 2006 13:27 - Hello...
LEWIS YOU RULEZ !!! Your char is the BEST from the BEST of the BEST :D ... I have a one question for end: From where did you take the name for "WARSAW" Tavern?? - Fan from WARSAW (POLAND)
Wednesday, 26 Apr 2006 19:16 - Yo buddy
Yo buddy, How about some buzz beer?!?!?! - bad_ass_coors
Tuesday, 25 Apr 2006 18:32
Tuesday, 18 Apr 2006 14:11
dear ryan i mean lewis whatever I love WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY its a great show and i love you. im eleven years old and i have been waching the show for a while now love always - Stephanie Davidson
Tuesday, 4 Apr 2006 18:18 - me being formal-ish
hey ryan i have been watching Whose Line since the 4th grade (im a freshman in high school) and Drew Carey for about just as long. Plus I have seen Hot Shots and I think its pretty sad that you die in the first 15 minutes. Anyway, I am a very big fan and I think you are amazing at everything you do (improv/acting & you have directed)(I think) I have written you before with no reply, but I was hoping you would write me back some time...It would mean a lot to me. You are my role model and I look up to and I want to either join The Second City or join an Improv Troupe. If you would I write me back I would appreciate it so much! Thanks for everything!!! - Katie Palazzolo
Monday, 3 Apr 2006 17:8 - Ryan Stiles
hay Ryan i am a little girl and I am 11 years and I love Whose line is it Anyway? Me and my friend think you are so cuite if you could can you write me back? I wrote you back before and I got nothing back and it would mean a lot to me if you would do that for me I v wached the Drew Carey show before but I dont really get the jokes that much So please please please write me back because it would mean a lot to me and I really like you in Whose line and I think your funny and cuite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Stephanie Davidson
Sunday, 2 Apr 2006 20:22 - You still the man!
Just wanted to say Hi again and tell you how I heard about this site since I didn't tell you the first time I emailed you. The Drew Carey Show of course! Love that show! Love Whose Line too! Anyway, nice work on the Pizza Hut commercial! Drop me a line when you get a chance. Hope to talk to you soon. - Mr. Michael Love
Monday, 27 Mar 2006 14:20
Sunday, 26 Mar 2006 23:38 - You the man!
Hello, first time to your site here. I just love your work! I watch "Whose line" and "The Drew Carrey Show" all the time and love them both. What kind of process is there to try out for Whose Line? Not for me unfortuanately, but for my cousin that is brilliant in the acting and stand up. I would love to see him at least try out. I see you guys are still making the Whose Line's which is great! Anything else new your doing for work that I should watch? Hope to hear from you! Even though no one knows me say HI to everyone on Whose Line! Your Fan: - Mr. Michael J Love
Saturday, 25 Mar 2006 12:35 - funny
haha.. and i'm the pope's daughter.
Friday, 17 Mar 2006 16:33
hey i was really wondering... what ethnicities are you...other than canadian...which doesn't count i don't think because u wern't born there anyway get back to me thanks bye-bye - Palooza
Tuesday, 14 Mar 2006 20:13
i have passed the ultimate 1/2 way mark...yesterday there were only 13 days left i was 1/2 way to 26 and now im counting down... im' sooo exciteed<-too many e's i know ^'is in the wrong spot <3 katie p.s happy pi day! 3.14.06 - Katie
Saturday, 25 Feb 2006 21:07 - colins show
hey ryan i havent left a message in awhile so... i'm soo excited! Colin and Brad are coming to Waukegan, Illinois (which is only an hour away from where i live) and i have orchestra pit seats to go see them on March 26 (ONLY ONE MONTH AND A DAY)so yea but just thought i;d leave a message oh yea when are u gunna be on the mr. cigar show again? lemme know please - Katie :)
Wednesday, 22 Feb 2006 22:57 - hiiiii
hey ryan u rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i heard about this site while i was watching a rerun of drew and decided to try it out=) - gurly_gurl7280
Saturday, 18 Feb 2006 8:47
Hi Ryan what up? I think you are really funny. - from Stephanie
Tuesday, 14 Feb 2006 20:21 - long time no talk
hey ryan- just wanted to wish u and pat a happy valentines day! <3 ya a fan!!! me - KaTi3
Tuesday, 7 Feb 2006 23:07 - tickled pink
I love watching all the reruns of the Drew Carey Show and the show Whose Line Is It Anyway?. I wish they were still on the air with new shows. By the way, thanks for keeping this line open. Saw the show with this web address today and thought to send my best wishes to you for future happenings. Will keep my eyes open.
Tuesday, 7 Feb 2006 20:34 - Your so funny
You are the funniest person on both Whose line and the Drew Carey show. - Andrew
Tuesday, 7 Feb 2006 15:07 - pretty funny
ha ha ha that's funny, this website is real? Saw it on the episode of drew carey. :-) - Rico
Wednesday, 1 Feb 2006 19:36 - autograph
You are my GOD! I worship you. Can I have your address and your sacred autograph?PLEASE!You are my hero. Teach me your ways oh tall and holy one. - mypikachu2
Tuesday, 31 Jan 2006 15:25 - Yahoo Group for Ryan Stiles
Ryan, Me and some friends made you another yahoo group that we would like you to check out when you time and let us know what you think of it please http://movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/FanSiteForRyanStiles/ - Suzanne
Wednesday, 25 Jan 2006 0:57 - hey
hey ryan hows it going! i lov u in wliia but it would of had to hurt wen u ran into the neon sign was ur head bleeding! n u drank olive oil ewh didnt it taste yuck! wat did u think when richard simions came on the show poor wayne that was mean wat u n colin did to him but o well it was funni! anyways thnxs for the laughds - from nat
Monday, 23 Jan 2006 22:21 - improve
Greetings! My daughter is part of a "Destination Imagination" Team in Oregon. The team is comprised of seven 8th grade students that will compete in a regional improv festival in March. The improv category their signed up to compete in is called "On Safari". If you could encourage, teach or impart some "improv" knowledge to the kids...what would it be? Is there some improv rules, ideas, or team work thoughts that you might give these small town Oregon kids? Thanks a million! - A Mom From Oregon, Beth Hoover
Tuesday, 17 Jan 2006 19:48
If your not too busy with family....tour with colin and brad! PREFERABLY ON MARCH 26TH IN WAUKEGAN ILLINOIS!!! haha i spazz!
Wednesday, 11 Jan 2006 17:57 - what are you doing now?
seriously I really want to know because after careful research I just realized something IF YOU DON'T DO ANYTHING TV WISE OR MOVIE WISE SOON YOU'LL END UP ON THE SURREAL LIFE! (come on the dude that played oswald still has a film career and well everyone else on whose line except for wayne is doing the green screen show and as for colin well right now he has a cool new show with his wife called "getting along famously" PWB (please write back!) - tschssm
Sunday, 1 Jan 2006 1:29 - 06!
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! lol hope the new year brings love and joy to everyone xcpecially the Stiles family! - <3 katie
Wednesday, 28 Dec 2005 8:51 - Yahoo Group for Ryan Stiles
Ryan, Me and some friends of mine made you a yahoo group and we wouid like you to check it out when you get some time.And please let us know what you think of the group. http://movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/FanClubForRyanStiles/ - Suzanne
Tuesday, 27 Dec 2005 13:56
MERRY CHRISTMAS/ HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! hey ryan me and some other people made a yahoo group about u ....CHECK IT OUT we wanna make it ur official site...but we need ur permission! - `katie
Friday, 23 Dec 2005 4:38 - The neon
Hello. I was watching Whose line recently and i saw u smash into a neon light on the front of Drew Carey's desk. DAM! Didn't that hurt? and the reason i only seen it recently is cause we only get re-runs of Whose line and The Drew Carey Show down here. I heard bout this from one of my friends. - A loyal aussie fan, Rhys
Friday, 23 Dec 2005 4:31 - nat t
hey ryan was up i aboustly love whose line n last nite i saw u on celeb poker how was ur giant cookie n the loser lounge sorry u didnt win u should of thou but u were so funni that i was killing my self laughing well cya round i wish lol - cyaz
Thursday, 22 Dec 2005 18:21 - happy holidays
hey ryan- happy holidays to u and the family! i saw an episode of TDCS where u put this website up...the one where they put the 24 hour web cam...that one was good! u know what i think is funny ...behind the scenes u guys are probally all drunk idiots(no offence lol)but one both shows u seem like really educated...at least compared to diedrich lol...anyways happy holidays to everyone reading this - <3 katie palazzolo
Wednesday, 21 Dec 2005 15:11 - Thanks for the laughs!
I really love you guys on the Carey show! I think you guys need a redneck to work at winloud who shows up drunk trying to sell perfume. HA! Anyway, I'm a redneck and you can learn more about me at http://www.myspace.com/hblo. Thanks! - Jonathan Stewart A.K.A. Pee-Wee
Wednesday, 21 Dec 2005 15:10 - Merry Christmas
Wishing everyone out there a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanza, and whichever others I have missed or forgotten. Blessings, Peace, Health, and Prosperity to you all! Oh yeah. I found this watching an old episode of drew carey where Lewis held up his email ;) - Kat
Wednesday, 21 Dec 2005 15:10 - How funny this really exists!
I was watching re runs, and saw this so I typed it in the addy bar, and poof its a real place! Thats amazing! You funny as hell, and you always have made me laugh... Merry Christmas, and good luck in your future escapades, - Lorri.
Wednesday, 21 Dec 2005 15:09 - Ladies, Ladies, Ladies
If you are still single and flaxen haired, well then I have a lady for you. Just one question, anything against herpes? - spiderbond325
Tuesday, 20 Dec 2005 20:25 - katy selverstone
Hey Lewis, you think you could give me katy selverstone email address, shes hot. - randy
Sunday, 18 Dec 2005 0:24 - Just checkin' back
Yo! Happy Holidays! I'm sick, but have no fear, the holidays are here! Hope its great for everyone, I highly doubt Ryan comes on her, but hey! What the hell! Happy Holidays Ryan! ::wonders if people realize Whose Line and TDCS have been out of production for sometime:: anyways... TDCS has a DVD of like 8 episodes of the TOP Drew Carey Shows, its only $7.99 at Best Buy and tomorrow I'm going to get it ^_^... although its kinda sad when you've already got those on tape.... uh... but hey! Again! Merry Christmas! And to all: A good night! - Celina
Saturday, 17 Dec 2005 0:02 - you'll see
Dear "lewis", If u get this e-mail, I want u to watch this video clip in ur spare time when ur bored, http://youtube.com/watch.php?v=uVlIQpleZr8&search=asian , that is a portion of it. http://youtube.com/watch.php?v=aX0YiuPTZRA&search=crazy%20asian%20mother , that is the whole thing. This is really random but, pleez watch it and i hope u laugh ur head off. Good luck to u with wutever ur doin. - a big fan P.S. I think ur wonderful and shouldn't even feel one bit discouraged by drew's comments.Hugs and Kisses <3 <3 - anonymous
Saturday, 10 Dec 2005 19:37 - hi
hi ryan!!! ur an amzing comedian and i seriously cant believe u drank a bottle of olive oil on whose line! didnt it task yuck!!! well anywayz gud luck 4 da future not that u need it anyway lol!!! - aussie fan
Friday, 9 Dec 2005 18:18
not for ryan!!! happy holidays email poster lol long time no post are you busy??? have fun! - katie
Wednesday, 7 Dec 2005 21:46
merry early christmas ryan and all his adoring fans lol happy holidays i got 2 autographed pics of ryan im so excited! - katie
Wednesday, 7 Dec 2005 18:50
hello. im from South Africa I was wondering if you can gife me Drew Berrymoore's email-adress to me because you ss I want to become a actor myself and i was wondering if Drew Berrymoore could give me some advice with this one. I would be thankful if you can help me with this. thanks - Hubertusadvertsquare
Sunday, 27 Nov 2005 7:15 - curious
Hi! I ran across your site by google search. I'm curious to know what you guys have in the works. I was overseas during the latter part of the Drew Carey Show's run and I'm just now finding out that Joey Mangum was a part of the show. I grew up next door to him and from time to time I'm curious to know what he's up to. Thanks! Oh yeh, please reply to meinba - Michael McDaniel
Saturday, 26 Nov 2005 20:36 - Ah, gooble, gooble...
Hope everyones Turkey day was fun! Mine was... got some weird pictures man!.... yes I know I don't have to go to Seattle, etc. I just live in Cleveland and there's no way I can go to Chicago lol! So I'll fair until then, but adios for now... and maybe everyone else had a REALLY nice Turkey day!!!!!!!!! I got till Wednesday to go back to school, cuz I'm hunting ::grins:: check ya latas! - Celina
Tuesday, 22 Nov 2005 19:44
happy thanksgiving to everyone...i still have tomorrow then im off untill next wedneday if you want to go to second city you don't have to go out to seattle or toronto you could go to chicago good luck with hot shots! - katie
Monday, 21 Nov 2005 18:13 - DUUUDE!
THATS AWESOME! I thought about going to Second City... 'course I'm here in Ohio, 40 min. south of Cleveland, and I don't wanna go to Seattle nor uh, Toronto. And I can't think where else it is. Anyways, I've been having SOME fun, running 'round like a total idiot dancing to "Pretty Fly for a White Guy" reminds me of Col/Ry! LOL! And tomorrow is my last day of school till Thanksgiving Break! YA KNOW TURKEY ROCKS! And I get an extra 2 days of vacation for hunting ^^. Ya know, I'm going to the mall Friday at 5 with my friend, and I wonder... just WONDER if I can find Hot Shots. My dad said: "Hey, Ryan was in that movie it was pretty funny." So I wanna try and find both of em'. Ok... so I'm going to go and do things... ya know... HEY! I'M NOT JUDGING YOU!-- reminds me of the Hillbilly Award Show on WLIIA. Yeah I'm not obsessed ^^. So adios! AND I HOPE EVERYONE HAS A GREAT THANKSGIVING! I'm glad my dentist appt. was moved to Dec. 9th instead of Wednesday! Thank god! Oh didn't I say: "Adios" yeah I'm stickin' with that! - Celina- currently WhAcKeD! ^^
Friday, 18 Nov 2005 20:26 - bad news
bad news is im not going to second city this term because im on teh speech team at my school so classes are on Saturdays the same time as tournaments for speech:( - katie
Tuesday, 15 Nov 2005 18:41 - Whoa
Hey Ryan thought you'd like to read this. It seriously diturbed me. It's a raunchy and graphic love story b/w you and best friends Colin Mochrie. http://members.tripod.com/~Slashgirl/Worthwa.txt.txt hope you are has horribly mentally ill as I was!! love always - Regina
Monday, 14 Nov 2005 19:50 - good news!!
okay so i was at the mall with my friends on friday and i was in a store and they had Hot Shots so i was like OMG IM GOING TO GET IT..RYANS IN THAT MOVIE. so i buy it and take it home and watch it...turns out ryans in the first like 15 minutes of the movie, he never takes off his helmet, and dies lol! but it was worth it to hear his voice. and the second part of my good news is that im going to take classes at second city comedy club troupe place this winter term..im going this wednesday to register..im so excited cuz ryan went to second city and look where he is now! wee *off to watch hot shots and wliia again*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - ~katie
Wednesday, 9 Nov 2005 19:30 - cleveland
I would love to have Drew Cary hear an original song about Cleveland that my son's band plays around the area. Everytime I hear it I think of all of you guys. Where can I send him a copy or the band's CD? - mary7210
Tuesday, 1 Nov 2005 21:20 - boom there goes ur ass hahaha
im sad that i can't find an address for ryan....ho hum...o well off to watch WLIIA and laugh my ass off not my socks off hahaha that would be funny if ur ass just blew off lolololol rofl! - katie
Thursday, 27 Oct 2005 23:02
lol today was the episode with THE CAT lol in the beginning ryan is pretending to change the channel...i don't think he meant that out of meaness...he just wanted to see himself on TDCS lol! have a good night everyone! THE CAT! - sterry
Saturday, 22 Oct 2005 20:01
i made a whose line quiz on quizilla.com lol check it out if u wanna....my name on there is sterry so try and find myname if u can I <3 RYAN - sterry
Thursday, 20 Oct 2005 21:13 - Its a matter of life and matter... meaning science!
I don't know! lol... I'm confused, look at the title! lol! Anyways, "Whose Line?" IS ON TONIGHT! One episode, but I can enjoy it then more Ryan on TDCS which shows here in Ohio at 12 on Clevelands own FOX 8! I just had to quote it lol... I don't have school tomorrow, so woo hoo! Its always fun to watch Improv, but live Improv is the coolest! Colin and Brad were awesome live man! IT WAS GREAT! Would've been cool if Ryan was there... but I was fine... I 'spose. And like you said Katie, if I were to get a e-mail from him, that'd be kinda scary yet cool. Then he'd think I was some crazed obsessed kid, but I don't consider myself to be one. Well, I got an hour to go... what to do till then... well... might as well play Solitaire, hope everyone is enjoying WLIIA and TDCS! Have a great weekend, so to speak... its 'spose to snow *exhales deeply* I'll live! - Celina
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2005 19:53
lol GREASE!!! i would like die if all of the sudden u get an message saying: hi this is ryan ...i hope u didn't die because u couldn't see me on tv. lol i would pass out and die but come back to life lol....uhhh going to do other stuff cuz whose line isn't on tonight:'( boo hoo - katie
Friday, 14 Oct 2005 20:29 - Yo! Ryan whats up G?
Weird title no? I have MSN however, not AIM, never liked it... but just for the heck of it, here's my original, msn address; Pikaria really anybody who likes Whose Line? and especially Ryan can chat with me, that'd be funny if Ryan read this though and found it. Whose Line? is only on once tonight, cuz of Grease, I guess I'll live, *clutches heart, and falls off chair* nah, I'm kidding. Yeah, who did say "Rock my socks off" if I move em' across the floor quickly they tend to slip off gradually though. Ok, I'm going to go, want to watch Whose Line? but no, I am being screwed over by the system, and well... I think we're screwed by the system once again because we don't know his address... someone probably know's it, just have to find the right person.... *walks off into the darkness hoping to find the right person and then runs into a wall* OWEEEEY!!!! ^_^ - Celina
Thursday, 13 Oct 2005 19:10
lol my friend and i were just talking about who thought about saying "rocks my socks off" lol ur socks don't care...lol we should chat sometime if you have AIM or email or something! some one should really figure out what his adress is... - ~katie~
Wednesday, 12 Oct 2005 15:53 - That's funny
Katie, that's actually funny what you and your friends did. Sounds like it was probably fun. And yeah he probably doesn't remember the funny stuff he does, unless he actually watches re-runs... I got to thinking after seeing Colin and Brad, wonder if they sit and watch re-runs on ABC Family, like in the hotel or something, I know Colin's family does. I think it'd be quite funny. Anyways 'bout the letter thing. I don't know his correct address, of course he has two houses and who know's which address to send it too!! HA! Well, he is still awesome... ok. I am going to go and watch "The Drew Carey Show" mainly because I don't want to do my Spanish Brochure... Ryan you still rock my socks! That is sooo old.... why do I bother saying; "You Rock My Socks..." *shakes head* - Celina
Thursday, 6 Oct 2005 21:26
u know we tell you about all these funny moment on whose line but u prolly only remember a few (if any) since the oldest ones were taped back in 2002 - <3 u katie palazzolo
Wednesday, 5 Oct 2005 20:08
im making my own version of wliia? u ask the question whose line is it anyway so i answer with the name of my show it's my line!!!!! im having it on thursday so it'll be me playing you then my other friends as drew, colin, wayne, and chip! then my friend meg is going to record it and if i like it enough i might send it 2 u for pure entertainment.! ;yay me!!! - katie palazzolo
Wednesday, 5 Oct 2005 19:35 - life savers lol
tell drew instead of keeping Altoid mints in his desk he should keep minty lifesavers because if you choke on one of those there is still the hole in the middle so u can still breath thats why they call them LIFE SAVERS lol - katie palazzolo
Tuesday, 4 Oct 2005 23:05
i am the p.oed fan - katie palazzolo
Tuesday, 4 Oct 2005 22:24
thank you celina for agreeing with me....i don't know if ryan reads this or now so i think that we should find an adress that letters will actually go to him and be read so that he can see how much everyone cares about this talented man...if u can find it that would rock. (ps i think if we send it to his wife and his wife and kids read it they can persuade him more than anyone else:) ) - one p.oed fan
Saturday, 1 Oct 2005 17:44 - Ok.
Well, I'd have to agree with all of you who are ranting about his smoking habits. Yes, it can kill you. It killed my grandfather two years ago. It devastated me. I assume if Ryan were to die, it would impact us all(not more than my grandfather, but you know what I mean). Ryan, your better than that though. Your very talented, a very talented man indeed. To add onto something someone said earlier about the WLIIA Episodes on ABC Family, no its not a new season, they are showing ONE NEW EPISODE never before seen at 9 eastern time. I hope you all catch it. The commercial seemed fricken hilarious already! Where Colin was licking Ryan's head!!(No not really though.) Ryan, I still don't know if you read this but if you do, man. I gotta tell ya thats a lot to read. Just want to mention that I'm enjoying "TDCS" and "WLIIA" no matter how many times I've seen ANY episode of them, they're just too good. Your just so quick and witty! I guess, I'm out for now. Check ya later! PS- I think you should do a quest appearance with Brad and Colin, I know Drew and Greg have, but you should. I'm going to see the show this Friday!... after a dentist appointment damn root canals.... - Celina(yeah again! ha)
Saturday, 1 Oct 2005 10:38 - add on to other rant
p.s you need to break the habit because your diabetic arnt you???? smoking obviously isn't going to help you - one p.oed fan
Thursday, 29 Sep 2005 21:45 - I HAVE AN ISSUE WITH U MISTER
Wednesday, 28 Sep 2005 18:54 - new episodes of wliia
on abcfamily it says they r showing new episodes of wliia ...is it a new season with new shows or never before seen footage from old shows?? please answer i really wanna know! - <3 katie p
Monday, 19 Sep 2005 21:03
OMG i was in English and we are reading the book Of Mice and Men....amd in teh 1st chapter it says they came from WEED!!! I was like OMG i get it now when you were singing about weed in that one episode haah whats the matter with weed? - <3 katie
Monday, 19 Sep 2005 0:09 - Hiya!
I dont know if you read this.... but you rock! I love you on Whos Line and the Drew Carey Show. BTW, dont do anymore pizza commercials. - finkelmana
Friday, 16 Sep 2005 21:35 - the "im in love with drews cup episode!"
hey ryan --i was watching the episode that the pics are from and that episode is so damn funny. First there is the alabamamotorcyclemamawithallama, then who wants an oxnard i do i do, animal porn, whats the matter with weed, we call it butte not butt montana, the cup, 100 dollar bills that u stuck in ur pants then gave to Linda Taylor, i died laughing you are soooo damn funny! all my love <3 - katie palazzolo
Friday, 16 Sep 2005 19:33 - Yelar!
Ha, yeh it was on again. I just wanted to come back and check up lmao! Man, I love that episode. Seen it three times now ^_^. The end is to damn funny. Well gotta love this goofy site. And Ryan you rock!!! Your fan, Celina(even though it says it in the "from" catagory lmao.)
Friday, 16 Sep 2005 6:38 - Test -- Drew Carey show
Is this really the email address from the Drew Carey show? I couldn't resist sending it. - La-Tonia
Friday, 16 Sep 2005 3:07 - This is hilarious
Of course, there would have to be a real web site for Lewis' efforts at findin' love on the Drew Carey Show...cool! Ain't the Internet grand! - Paulie H
Friday, 16 Sep 2005 3:07 - No gay guys?
How come there aren't any gay guys posting on your site? - matthew.keys
Friday, 16 Sep 2005 3:06
Friday, 16 Sep 2005 2:39 - omg sweet this is real
awesome - sweet
Friday, 16 Sep 2005 0:41
I can not believe this is an actual site, wow!. I love the show, I love all of you, you are all truly talented. - gftinc59
Friday, 16 Sep 2005 0:35
Hey! i saw it on the drew carrey show. friggin sweet.
Friday, 16 Sep 2005 0:06 - lewis!
Must be a rerun? Drew show, tonite. Eh, not the only one. How funny. - Bonne
Friday, 16 Sep 2005 00:05 - hi
is this a real site? - baaaah22
Thursday, 15 Sep 2005 20:21 - long time no talk
gimme a call sometime! i want to know if you will go with colin and brad(do it do it do it)!!!
Thursday, 15 Sep 2005 17:44 - Who_Me_623
saw the e'mail addy on " The Drew Carey Show? " & at first thought it aint real, then figured,,, Hey type it in & see what goes, BTW who's line rules, colin is funny as hell too, i dont get the show from england cause its stuff only understood there, ya know, anywho keep up the Great work, oh im married,,, & a guy, just figured since i am e'mailing you " Hot Bod" i had to say that LOL, J/K, - Joey,J,
Thursday, 15 Sep 2005 17:35 - Hi there sexxy!
Drew C. show, 15SEP05 1735ET A vote for Lewis is a vote for snot. - Tina Turdner
Tuesday, 31 Aug 2004 00:21 - Lewishotbod.com
Just wanted to say I loved the Drew Carey Show episode and I adore "Lewis Black"... I think the email address was a great idea. I know I, like a geek, jumped up and check the email and site. So good job! If you are in any kind of connection with Mr. Stiles, please send him this... :smooch: - Holly Pratt hollypete.com
Saturday, 27 Aug 2005 18:54
u should be president cuz u kick ass man! (thats what someone said on a fan site of urs...just repeating it) <3 me - katie
Sunday, 21 Aug 2005 12:34
i have 2 things: 1) i think that instead of Colin and Brad going together on tour it should be Colin and Ryan(or Ryan and Colin but u need to work that out on ur own)'cuz i think that out of anyone on WLIIA u and colin are the funniest together. and 2)i think that if u ever wanted to go all punk rockish you would look like Mike Dirnt from Green Day (i don't know if anyone has told u this before) - <3 always katie p.:)
Sunday, 21 Aug 2005 3:12
i was thinking...does it bother Pat at all that u get all this fan mail from mostly women who would do anything to be ur wife...or ur kids, do they get grossed out and say things like"ewww, i can't believe they think dad is hott" or ur brothers and sister r they ever jealous at all that u r funny and get paid to be funny and they do not? Stuff i think about... i leave another message soon! - love, katie katester515,garlicNgaylic
,ZoinkZ990 on Aim and garlicNgaylic on MSN
Saturday, 20 Aug 2005 10:55
is there any chance that u would go on tour with colin and brad and come to waukegan,IL in March of '06?
Saturday, 20 Aug 2005 1:32 - ur fans
i dont think u have any idea how many adoring fans u have! I, for one, am amazed at all the work u do! listing some of the comersials u have been in (pizza hut,progressive,kinkos,nike)is a pretty good list not including movies(rainbow war and hot shots 1&2)tv shows(dcs and wliia) wow u r sooo amazing and not that bad looking! <3 katie palazzolo katester515 or garlicNgaylic
or ZoinkZ990 on AIM if ryan or any fans feel like talking - Katie palazzolo a big 14 yr old fann
Friday, 19 Aug 2005 1:39 - hey
hey ryan, i love watching whose line, and the drew carey show. i think dat ur an amazin comedian, and how does it feel to work with drew and diedrich, i wish i could see them acting as well as u. i watch ur shows every night, and so do all my my friends. well c ya. - natalie
Tuesday, 16 Aug 2005 21:11 - whaz up
i wacth you on the tv all the time i also record all of your shows.you probley get alot of messages but, i think that your so funny and that i envy you cause you got to meet drew, colin, wayne, and diedrich. i like diedrich also. i watch the drew carey show from 3-4 on tbs and whose line whenever it comes on. i also stay up to 12:30am to watch the drew carey show. im only 14 but i'd really like to met your or any of the cast from the drew carey show or whose line but, i'd never be able to meet you. i'd thought i'd try anyway. - Jesse Trowbridge
Tuesday, 16 Aug 2005 19:27 - PLEA FOR YOUR APPEARENCE!!
I know this is probably a dead request but here goes nothing, Iam a really big fan of yours Ryan and it would mean the world to me if you could come preform with the Imptov All Stars on Oct. 23rd 3:00pm in Wilkes-Barre PA. Don't get me wrong I love the other guys, but a night of Improv just wouldn't seem worth it w/o you. I know you probably dont even look at this site ne more, but if you do see this, please make my dreams come true. P.S)I've always liked u better then Colin! lol Love Always, - Regina hyperqt2t
Tuesday, 16 Aug 2005 0:38 - hey
hey, i cant believe that u might get this i hope u do, im totally love watching all ur shows, i think ur an amazin comedian comedian, with gifted talents. how'd u get where u r today, like how u start ur career of, i totally love whose line and the drew carey show, i hope to one day get ur autograph c ya l8tr - from OMG
Monday, 15 Aug 2005 2:03 - hi!
hey ryan i don't think u really read these but u rock! and do your kids get creeped out knowing that alot of people think they're dad is hot? lol - gurly_gurl7280
Thursday, 11 Aug 2005 11:28 - Drew Carey Show with the email address
G'day, I saw the email address on a re-run of Drew Carey (the Home Shopping at Drew's place), and thought I'd type in the domain name and see it it was a) real b) still going. I loved your character on the Drew Carey show even my my eyes tended to focus on that gorgeous "Kate"!!!! Cheers from Australia! - Hugh Jorgan
Tuesday, 9 Aug 2005 - Yelo!
Hey! I saw the Pizza Hut commercial like 2 weeks ago at my cousins, I like it, its pretty funny. "STOP IT I'M STARVING!" Well Ryan, just thought I'd say hi again... and I REALLY don't know if he reads all this stuff lol. But hey! I got nothing else better to do, plus your just so funny... man, I wish they would stop showing re-runs of WLIIA... wich it'd come back. Anyways I gotta go, cuz I am literally *starving*. - Celina
Sunday, 7 Aug 2005 11:08
i love u...why havent u replied to any of my messages? i miss u...i miss us lol...ive never been able to meet u because of age restrictions lol i still love you with all my heart - <3 katie palazzolo
Friday, 5 Aug 2005 19:05
how to catch a polar bear---- first, dig a hole, second fill the hole with ash, then put peas all around the hole so when the polar bear goes to take a pea, kick him in the ash-hole. - sara
Friday, 5 Aug 2005 14:57
Hey Ryan u are so funny i like watching whose line and Drew Carry Show too.But i am only Nine i been watching Whose Line For Four Years.U and Colin are so funny!I wish i can meet u well gotta go LOVE - ASHLEY
Friday, 5 Aug 2005 12:54 - last nights wliia
omg ryan i was watching WLIIA last night and they showed the one where Chip jumps on your back and u start swearing and i really hope ur okay!...Holy Schick! i hope your back is okay all my love to ur broken back <3katie palazzolo e-mail me please at katester515
Thursday, 4 Aug 2005 1:29 - hi
call me at 3:00pm - naomi
Thursday, 4 Aug 2005 1:11 - hey ryan
Thursday, 4 Aug 2005 1:04 - hi
Wednesday, 3 Aug 2005 6:14 - hey
hey ryan, omg i so hope u get this, i so love ur show and i think ur amazin comedian i hope to be as great of coemdian that u r, my dream is to be a comedian. if it wasnt to much trouble i would totally appreachaite it if you could send an autograph because i dout ill eva get ot go to america, so if u want but u dont have to, send it to hi_its_dory - OMG
Wednesday, 3 Aug 2005 6:11 - hey
Wednesday, 3 Aug 2005 5:50 - u totally rock
hey ryan, omg i hope u get this email, ur my most fav comedian EVA and i totally love ur shows, every night i cant wait till 7pm because dats wen whose line comes on and drew carey after woards. you just make me burst out laughing with all the funny things you do, but i gotta ask did it hurt wen u broke the neon sign on whose line????? i luv both shows drew carey and whose line, US and UK.hope fully they'll do one in Australia. ur well known at my skul, all my firends know you and think you hilarious, well thats all i can think of 4 now but the way i found this address was ive been looking for drew carey show photos to stick up on my wall. LOL well c ya - Natalie
Sunday, 31 Jul 2005 15:15
wow, ryan stiles your like my idol !! for my 8th grade yearbook, to meet you was my dream !! im like the only one ik whose totally like obsessed with you..i have keychains and tee shirts !! omg i lov you !! yur sooo hilarious ! come to rhode island !! the little state and visit me !! ily ryan !! - ~erin~ *biggest fan*
Sat, 30 Jul 2005 15:27 - hi lewis
hey i see ur show the drew cary show and guess wat i am frm india and i love seeing it plz reply will u - mike sara
Tuesday, 26 Jul 2005 15:23
i think u should join colin and brad sherwood with their improv thing....u guys would be hillarious! - katie palazzolo!
Friday, 22 Jul 2005 12:38
hey to whoever this goes to...You are such a talanted man and i hope you know that...you act, produce, direct(i think) and are an amazing improver. i watch whose line and u never fail to amaze me! - a mere 14-yr-old fan
Friday, 22 Jul 2005 21:50 - I think you're gorgeous!
I think you are gorgeous! Love you always! - Blackadder
Monday, 18 Jul 2005 19:18 - You+
Hello does this really go to Ryan Stiles ? - Bryanne
Friday, 15 Jul 2005 11:20 - bored n obsessed
hey ryan, u still rock...just wante to say hey i know the sites name now so i dont need google! - ktp again
Tuesday, 12 Jul 2005 15:45 - =)
I can't believe how cool you are....oh wait..."cool" means..Constipated Overated Out of style Loser. That means your kool...ha ha ha! I love you! You rock! - shepherd419
Tuesday, 12 Jul 2005 6:37 - I love you!
I love you!!! You rock. You rock. You are so funny. =) - Twinkie, Philippines
Friday, 8 Jul 2005 18:32 - heylo!
Ha, I've been reading through these messages since I have nothing to do on a Friday. I read one that mentioned a "FreezeyourassoffLewisinOhio" and I laughed, turns out I am stuck in Ohio... and I have nothing to do. Just wanted to say that Ryan you are a hilarious comedian! Very unique. I don't wanna kiss your ass or anything but what else is there to say? And this little website/e-mail address was a pretty funny idea I might say, well peace from Ohio! - Celina
Thursday, 7 Jul 2005 5:14
Too bad you only seemingly have kiddos that send you emails. I respect your family, wife, babie's.......But, it sure would be nice to tell you what an adult woman thought about you. If, nothing else, it is always to nice to read/hear what peers think and feel. Take care, be well, - N3
Monday, 4 Jul 2005 17:13
hey ryan or staff members` u still rock...i made a mural thing of u on the back of my bedroom door:) Happy 4th of July for when ur in Custer or California. but canada doesnt really count...im saving up money to go see you or ur house or something...o boy i cant wait..im really hyper..ive been looking at pictures of you and i just drank some mountain dew! happy 4th of july to u pat, mackenzie, sam, and Claire! with lots of love! katie p. still from google...i sent a letter in the mail like 2 weeks ago...still waiting for a response! katie p:) - katie p again
Monday, 4 Jul 2005 16:48
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! U R Awsome!!!!!!!!! I looooovvvvveeeeee you soooooooooooo much!!! Hey did I tell you that U ROCK dude!!! Ok I'm like your biggest 14-year old fan!!!!!(also a retard,but whatever) By the way I like this e-mail adress I if I was older I probably would also say you have a hot bod! Anyway, I'm just sain' HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 lOVE, bee - Bridget M.
Friday, 24 Jun 2005 12:02 - hey
u roxs.u r so hilarous on whose line and the drew carey show.i like them both alot . i watch drew carey show ever day and whose line when ever i can.I like the dance of episode alot.I espically like the courtroom dance.it's funnier then hell.Well got to go - brandi
Wednesday, 22 Jun 2005 22:01
OMG U ROCK MY SOX...OFF!!! if u do even write back send it to whoser_00k. its zero zero k cuz some people think is oo but its not. right now ur a pig farmer in arkansas. its great. i love u. well hope to talk to u l8r. luvs and hugs to all. bye - ~taylor baer~
Sunday, 19 Jun 2005 10:52 - i <3 u soooooo much
omg...ur the tall skinny dude on who's line: duh!! okay u sooo totally rock! Are you guys doing any more shows after 2005? cuz i really want to go to a taping when i'm old enough.yea and i laugh so freakin hard when u do Carol Shanning cuz i think of u smashing the light!!(if ur head burst into flames i would have died laughing)haha i quote you all the tiem and my friends say that i resemble u the most of all the peeps on who's line..ummm i dunno if u can but would u send a pic *preferably autographed* to katie palazzolo, Illinois? Cuz i would die ....or at least rite back at katester515??? i <3 u ....say hi to the kids and pat for me:) ur hott! katie palazzzolo ps. i found the site of off google when i typed in Ryan Lee Stiles! ur still hott and i still <3 u
Friday, 17 Jun 2005 3:06 - Hi
Hi Ryan!
I watch Whose Line is it Anyway constantly and you are my favorite! My passion is acting and I just wanted to tell you, that you've been a huge idol for me! You are a great actor and are hilarious! (I know you've probably heard that countless times before, it's really cliché, and sounds "plastic" but I do think you're great!) I feel kind of stupid for saying this (because everyone does) but, if you can, I'm dieing for your picture! If you could send me one, that'd be so great!: Anyway, like I said, I really think you're the best! - Summer ps. I found this website on Google. :)
Tuesday, 14 Jun 2005 18:40 - Hi!
Hi Ryan/Lewis!I love Your shows.Well atleast the shows that you're in.They should ALL be your shows!YOU deserve it, not Drew.You would be a Great host for Whose Line and you should be the star of the Drew Carey Show.Basically, they should call it The Ryan Stiles Show.If that doesn't happen they should atleast give you more lines!Who wouldn't?!I would for sure!No doubt!I wouldn't even hesitate.Well that's my opinion.I bet it's a lot of other people's too. Love ya lots! Jenna P.S. I got this website from google and The Drew Carey Show and just wanted to actually try it.And guess what.It worked!
Tuesday, 14 Jun 2005 1:14
Sorry I learned about this website from a good friend that helps me transcribe Wliia Episodes. - sniper.harrington
Tuesday, 14 Jun 2005 1:01
Ryan! I love your shows. I know their not YOUR shows but they should be. I have most of the American Whose Line?'s on tape. I bought a second vcr. PLEASE email me. My favorite three headed broadway star was the butterstick one. That is so funny. I Love the episode where Melissa's skirt well... I know that is your favorite episode too (tear off that wedding ring). Could you send me the censorship hoedown. I am sad about it not going to air. Tell your friends at Warner Bros. to make an UNCENSORED dvd of ALL of the episodes. Both Aired and non-aired. PLEASE EMAIL ME. Your my favorite comedian. "O boy those cop shows they give me such a Fright. And it seems like there on every single night. Sure you can them if you really want a scare. Thursdays at 8:00 you can see Melissa's underwear. I hate it when they cut it boy there such a snob. But I guess in a way that is just their job. They sit backstage and they act all snooty. But I hope they don't cut Melissa's booty. Talking about traffic it is boreing all the time. It is hard to think about something that will rhyme. Traffic ah who cares it's got no kind of class. Ah once again I got to mention Melissa's ass." I hope to meet you. PLEASE EMAIL ME AT: - sniper.harrington
Monday, 13 Jun 2005 10:14 - Yo Yo What up
Hi Ryan U are my Favorit comidy actor I can Hardly belive i am typing this email to u i seen u in the drew cerry show and whos line is it anyway i somtimes try to do some of the funny things u do on TV to make my friends laugh and it workes keep up the good work. sinserly, Matt Brozenick P.S maybe you can email me back and give me some tips on how to be a good comidy actor thanks. - sbrozenick
Saturday, 4 Jun 2005 20:58 - I forgot.....Sorry
I got this message from the DCS
Saturday, 4 Jun 2005 20:52 - I Love U
Monday, 30 May 2005 14:32 - YOU ARE THE BEST!!
Ryan- You are my favorite comedian! You are also the hottest 40plus guys i have ever seen! My friends think that you are stupid, and that the drew carey show and whose line are ridiculous, and that i should stop watching the shows, but I get all my jokes from a lot of the show episodes, so if I were to stop watching, I'd be a very boring person. Love, Elizabeth B. Sorensen p.s. i hope you write me back! tell colin "hi" for me!!!
Friday, 20 May 2005 1:6 - Hello
I heard about this website from www.tvtome.com. I always watch the Drew Carey show when I get home from work. Earlier this week I watched what must have been the last episode, when Drew has a baby. I had been following that storyline for a few weeks. Now they've started showing earlier episodes. I was doing research on the show to see how far back they went when I stumbled upon the web address. There you have it. You're a funny M.F. Ryan... Bob Noxious / St. Pete, FL P.S. I've never seen the episode where the web address is shown, at least I don't remember it.
Friday, 13 May 2005 16:15 - phone
hi would you email you're number to me al ajslabinski thanks - Alix slabinski
Friday, 13 May 2005 15:42 - Great Show
I was watching the Drew Carey show and I just saw your email address. Also, I am wanting to get into photography full time. Do you have any suggestions on how I can do it? Also, my photography can be viewed on my homepage at http://www.geocities.com/phillipusa1/pics.html Thanks. - Phillip
Friday, 13 May 2005 15:40 - Whats up
Hey Ryan whats going on? I was just watching Drew Carey show and you came on and gave out your e-mail. So I just wanted to see if it worked, and it did. Well have fun doing whatever you do Ryan, oya and you are really funny. Great on the Drew Carey show and Whos Line. Later - Jon
Friday, 13 May 2005 15:37 - dumb
do you think i could be as dumb as you are. I got this website on the episode of drew carry where every thing he did was on the internet. please send me a picture of you. - Alix slabinski
Friday, 13 May 2005 15:36 - There is a Squirrel on my Balcony and other things......
I saw your email on that episode of "the Drew Carey show" where Drew is on a webcam 24/7 and his house is full of Winford Louder stuff.... Anyway I wondered if the site was real or if it was just a joke for the show. Now I know. Anyway you said you wanted to know how we got here, now you know. :) - Julie
btw, there is a squirrel on my balcony, I think he is hunting my cat......
Monday, 2 May 2005 17:54 - final drew carey show
hey man i didnt know the drew carey show had fiinished. dang i missed the last season. - alexs_animations
Sunday, 24 Apr 2005 09:30 - Happy Birthday
Hi Ryan im so sorry i didnt get this to you sooner. I just got back from pittsburgh. Happy Birthday Ryan, and I wish you all the joy in the world that you could ever have. - Brandi
Sunday, 24 Apr 2005 02:16 - Sorry
Hi Ryan. I'm smart huh? Sorry I read my calender wrong. HAPPY late BIRTHDAY! No one else wished you a happy birthday. Oops! That is probably not a smart thing to bring up. Anywayz, bye! Love Ya - Shelby
Saturday, 23 Apr 2005 13:49 - I love you Ryan!
Hi Ryan! I couldn't wait until tomorrow to wish you a happy birthday. So....HAPPY early BIRTHDAY!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo!! Love Ya-Shelby Lynch
Thursday, 21 Apr 2005 19:01 - I LOVE YOU RYAN!!!
Hi Ryan, I heard that you talked to one of my friends on the phone. That true? Anyway I would have but I couldn't get ahold of the girl who woul have hooked us up. So that sucks!! Oh well next time. Love Ya - Shelby Lynch
Thursday, 14 Apr 2005 12:20 - please help
can you give me drew carey's e-mail address? also i am a big fan of the drew carey show and who's line is it anyway that is when drew carey is hosting it. - kelbynliz
Wednesday, 13 Apr 2005 20:41 - whats up ryan
hi you guys whats up. nothing much here. well just to tell all you guys out there. i know ryan stiles im best friends with his daughter. he is a really great great guy. and if any of you want to know any information on him because i know a whole lot, just aim me at lilhny1991. ok im not on a lot but yeah. so just on this site write to me telling me your aim name and i will spill my guts on ryan lol. bye everybody. - jessica
Wednesday, 13 Apr 2005 16:24 - WHATS IS UP MAN
he its me sarah again, and i just wanted to say hi again and i just watched whose line on my dvr and you did so well. and i was all like reading everybodies messages and like wow everybody is like so obsessed over you. i emaied some chika on here named brandi and she is like really kool. i mean she does obsess ova yah but she can contain her self a lot botter than shelby. so anyway if you were ever to visit one of your friends i would pick brandi or shelby because they are like the ones who like you the most well i gotta go im in gymnastics so i gotta go to practise ok. well catch you lata bye cutie pie lol. peace out everybody. - SARAH
Wednesday, 13 Apr 2005 11:51 - hi
hi my name is sarah and i think that shelby need to be gettin over her self ok. ryan is taken and yeah he will never want to be with us, dont you see he is happy just the way he is i cant believe you tripping over a guy that will never feel the same way about you as you do him. and plus he is old. well ryan i just wanted to say that u r a good actor and cute, well im not obsessing like shelby is and i just think that shelby needs to get a bf and stop drooling over you, and like to contain her self. well by ryan ill see you on drew carey and whose line by. - sarah
Wednesday, 13 Apr 2005 2:21 - I LOVE YOU RYAN!!!!
Dear Ryan, YOU ARE THE HOTTEST GUY EVER!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox oxoxoxoxxo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love Ya - Shelby
Tuesday, 12 Apr 2005 10:10 - HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!
my name is kaylee and i think that my friend brandi is like so obsessed with you lol lol lol lol lol lol - kaylee
Tuesday, 12 Apr 2005 03:24 - I LOVE YOU RYAN!!!!!
Dear Ryan, I was just watching the episode of Whose Line when you finally won and did not have to do a Hodown. I've never seen that one before. I was so happy for you! I got up from the couch and did a little celebration dance. Anyways, I better go. xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxox oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox!!!Love Ya - Shelby
Monday, 11 Apr 2005 9:25
hi lewis bye lewis
Sunday, 10 Apr 2005 17:54 - I Love You Ryan!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ryan! I was just watchin' an epesode of The Drew Carey Show and realized that you have a really good singing voice. Anywayz that's all for now. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo! Love Ya - Shelby
Thursday, 7 Apr 2005 10:18 - Opppppsssssss
Hi, it's Brandi again. I really didn't read what wewere sopost to put, when we wrote you. To start off with i got thismsite name off of the The Drew Carey Show. A good show I might add lol, or one of the best, with Whose Line Is It Anyway?. Well, I better let you go, but before I do "I Love You." Well lilhoney is my email. Wow every time I have written you, and I said better let you go, I never do lol, like right now lol. Well bye - Brandi
Friday, 1 Apr 2005 22:44 - I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Ryan, I hate you.....April Fools!!I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxxxxxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxooxox oxoxoxoxooxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox oxoxoxoxoxo!!Love Ya - Shelby
Wednesday, 30 Mar 2005 7:17
I hope that you had a nice Easter, and your wife and kids did as well. I met a girl on here and were friends the girl named Shelby, and she is almost as crazy as i am about you. Well I better let you go and everything. Bye - Brandi
Sunday, 27 Mar 2005 23:14 - I luv you!!!!!!!
Dear Ryan, I was wondering. What is your favorite food?? Write Back Please. Love Ya - Shelby
Sunday, 27 Mar 2005 19:48 - I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Ryan, If this is really you please send me an E-mail. You could just write hi and it would be fine. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE e-mail me at RyanStilesrulz01. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo Love Ya - Shelby
Sunday, 27 Mar 2005 12:51 - I luv u!!!
Dear Ryan, Happpy Easter!Love Ya - Shelby Lynch
Sunday, 27 Mar 2005 1:14 - I Love You!!!!!
Dear Ryan, YOU ARE SO FREAKIN HOTT!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxox oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox oxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxLove Ya - Shelby Lynch
Saturday, 26 Mar 2005 21:41 - I luv u
Dear Ryan, I'm going to the Improv Allstars Show at the Washington Center for Performing Arts in Olympia, on June 3rd,2005 at the 9:30 show. I heard that you are supposed to be there. I'm just writing to you to tell you look for me ON YOUR RIGHT A COUPLE ROWS BACK FROM THE FRONT. I'LL BE WEARING ALL BLACK. I'll e-mail you closer to June. Hope to see ya soon. Love Ya - Shelny Lynch.
Tuesday, 22 Mar 2005 8:42
i know my friend brandi loves you and she doesnt like me emailing you because she is afraid i will say something that i shouldnt say like ur NOT HOT AT ALL....lol...u r a good actor exspecially when ur on Whos Line Is It anyway...well g2g bye love - kaylee
Tuesday, 22 Mar 2005 0:06 - I LOVE YOU!!
Dear Ryan/Lewis, I saw that you're answering your e-mail again. I'm just writing to you again to tell you that I'm so fricken bored!! I'm still waiting for you. You should send me an e-mail(at RyanStilesrulz01)so that I MIGHT have the chance of meeting you. My friend said that her sister served you at a Subway(I think it was). Anyway thats the closest you've ever been to where I live. Ryan, you should come to Buckley sometime. Anyway, I better go. Hope to see ya soon!! Love Ya - Shelby Lynch
Monday, 21 Mar 2005 16:37 - Sorry
Hello, My friend is the one who wrote you keylee, and she was just being rude because, I like him so just ignore what she she says. Other than that your a good actor. - Brandi
Monday, 21 Mar 2005 9:08 - Hey!!
Sunday, 20 Mar 2005 10:47 - A Dear Fan
Dear Ryan, Well to start off, I would tell you how incredibly amazing you are, and how cute, smart, funny, you are and things like that but, I know you always hear that, and it is probaly very nerve wrecking so I'm not. You have gave me hope to become an actress in so many ways. I just wanted to thank you so much for that, so Thank You. Your my inspiration on everything. Thanks lol. I know that I'll probaly never become an actress but, I'm going to try for dear life. I just might not be because I'm shy, and very forgetful, but all I have to do is think of you and, I know I can do it. Thanks you very much for everything. Lilhoney is my email, just incase you would. Thank you - From, Brandi
Wednesday, 16 Mar 2005 20:57 - HI
hi lewis, you r so funny, i think u r so cool. - theycallme_taterpoof
Sunday, 13 Mar 2005 22:59 - I love you so much!
Hey Ryan/Lewis.You're the best!I live in Buckley,WA so please come and visit me sometime.Or e-mail me at RyanStilesrulz01 cuz I'd LOVE to see that HOTT HOTT HOTT HOTT bod of yours!!xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Love Ya - Shelby Lynch
Sunday, 13 Mar 2005 13:18 - I Love You So Much!!!!!
Dear Ryan(Lewis), I know you probably here this a lot but.......I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You're the funniest and coolest guy out there!I watch every show of the Drew Carey Show and Whose Line Is It Anyway shows.Oh, and fastforward through all the parts that don't have you in them. I found this website because I was watching the "Drew Cam" Episode and I wanted to see if it was true.Oh yeah, in a few weeks, ask your agent about if anyone sent you a Birthday Card because I sent you one.If your every in BonnyLake or Buckley look me up! Also, If you have the time out of your busy schedule please PLEASE e-mail me at RyanStilesrulz01 . Hope to see you soon! Love Ya, - Shelby Lynch
Thursday, 10 Mar 2005 18:39
CHiNO the hands are a hit counter for the site. Found this site via the DC show airing 3:30p PT on TBS
Thursday, 10 Mar 2005 15:52 - Where's the rubber room they lock you up in at night?
Dear Lewis, I'm watching Drew Carey reurn and as a joke logged on to your website not realizing it was for real! Just a quick note to say thank you for bringing so much sunshine into the world with your wonderfully wicked sense of humor and comedic timing! Please continue to bring smiles to all of us! - George Matsukis
Thursday, 10 Mar 2005 15:41 - Ha!
Watching the "website" episode now and typed in the link. I should have known it was real! Lewis is THE MAN! My wife and I totally dig the Drew Carey Show and Whose Line..., By the way Ryan, the blue shoes, AWESOME. - Avrjjoe
Thursday, 10 Mar 2005 15:39 - Lmao! this actually exsist?!
This is halarious! didn't think it'd actually be a real site.. hahaha this is funny its like that show "two and half Man" where they made that site for Charlie Parker sucks haha funny stuff... anywho.. ROCK!! - Moises*
Thursday, 10 Mar 2005 15:36 - your email
What's up dude? Your one of my favorite characters on the DCS. Anyway, I saw an episode where you said to email you here. So check it out bro, here's your email. Later, - T
Thursday, 10 Mar 2005 15:35
this is real? oh my god! kinda sick guys. oh well DREW CAREY ROCKS! - ?
Monday, 7 Mar 2005 22:06
2354?? wat does that mean? (the hands on ur website.) --CHiNO
Thursday, 24 Feb 2005 16:12 - You
Lewis/Ryan, I really, really, really, really wanna meet you - Jenna
Thursday, 24 Feb 2005 16:04 - 1 more thing
I almost forgot Lewis, I found out about this website when I was searching you on google Bye:)xxx - Jenna
Thursday, 24 Feb 2005 15:43 - The funniest guy alive
Lewis u are my favorite character in the Drew Carey Show.I also watch Who's Line is it Anyway EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.You are the funniest guy alive.Plus you and Colin Mochrie together is just DROP DEAD FUNNY.I really wish I could meet you one day.I cried for hours 1 night because I know I probably will never meet you.:( Bye Lewis - jenna
Tuesday, 15 Feb 2005 09:14
Sup? I fount this web site when I was looking for things about Drew Carey!!! I think Drew Carey is so freakin' HOT!!!!! He's one sexy guy!!!! - Amanda Watkins
Monday, 14 Feb 2005 1:32
Thank you I am watching all your shows, but they are re-runs. I wonder what you are up to these days? And I wonder when we will see you on TV again? I know that your youngest daughter just turned one, and that you will be celebrating (I hope) your 49th birthday in April. If this DOES get to you, I want to wish you another happy year of life and thank you for entertaining so many people all these years. I do think you are a wonderful person and you have so much talent. Thank you for sharing that talent. I would also like to thank your wife and your family for sharing you with us. Hope we will see you soon. jak - Jean K
Wednesday, 29 Dec 2004 10:38
The websites devoted to the DCS and WLIIA people just keep getting odder and odder. I love this one. If Lewis' alter ego, Ryan, ever reads this, I just want him (you) to know that I enjoy every minute of his (your) insanity. I found this link from a bio of Lewis...not Ryan, Lewis. If the man's got an IQ in the 160's, he's gotta stop letting Drew be the smart one all the time. (Or is it a favor since it's his show? *G*) Best wishes to both of you! - Dawn
Tuesday, 28 Dec 2004 19:31
Hi Lewis, I agree with the last guy that everything I read is another Ass-Kiss session. BUT, I have always fanticised that there was a Lewis out there in freezeyourassoff Ohio (I used to live there) and we could date. Hubba-hubba! I took particular note of the 3 episodes on DC where you had no shirt on (or less) and see that exposed in the first show you seemed to have breasts. Very concerning. I must not have been the only one who noticed as the next two times you were shirtless you had decent pects! Keep up the good work and don't drown in Lake Samish when you are out there playing with your boat. - mbsoul33
Tue, 16 Nov 2004 15:45:09
More crap for you to read!!!! :) Hello Ryan (aka Lewis), Since you probably get a lot of fan email praising you, I'd like to say you SUCK!!! Ahhh, just kidding! I figure you had enough people kissing your ass. Anyway, you guys need to do another "drew" type show(or simply bring back the original show), since there arent any more funny shows on. Way too many lame and tacky drama shows that nobody wants to see. Sincerely, - Damien I.
Tue, 16 Nov 2004 15:41:56
I'm excellent. Well, re-run re-run re-run. I remember when this first ran. Since I have no life now I figured I'd watch only re-runs. So far I am only bored between 2am-4am. Otherwise, I can find some good stuff out there in TV land. Keep up the great re-run acting, it is amazing that you can re-act the same show over and over and not get tired of it. - Steve
Tue, 16 Nov 2004 15:38:16
Lewis, like you, I have freakishly large hands. And yes, the myth is true. Those of us men out there with big hands also have.....big gloves! Never give up catering to the ladies, my tall and gawky brother. Be well, and by the way.....I think that short, fat guy with the glasses is holding you back. Ha - Duane
Tue, 16 Nov 2004 15:35:12
You're a funny man. I, like the other folks that actually got onto this website, am very surprised. I figured it would be a porn site. (I was watching reruns on TBS) Also I want to say that I love your acting, you are the funniest man and The Drew Carey Show and Whose Line Is It Anyway wouldn't be the same without you. So keep up the good work with the Drew Carey shows and whatever new show he may have in the works. - Denise
Wed, 19 May 2004 16:40:57
Just saw this address posted on the Drew Carey show. What a great idea! You see these addresses on shows all the time and they never work. - Chris Galczynski
Wed, 19 May 2004 16:38:19
Hey Lewis, I'm Matt from derekjco and I'm watching the Drew Carey Show right now, peace to all the Drew Carey Show fans. Later Lewis.
Sat, 17 Apr 2004 22:11:31
Lewis- HEY! I am watching "The Drew Carey Show" rite now, and I just saw ur e-mail address, so I decided to see if it was real. I went to ur website, and it was! I LOVE YOUR SHOWS! They are so funny! Ha Ha Ha! L8R- Giuseppe
Sat, 17 Apr 2004 22:08:20
hello. just responding. saw u on the drew carey show. write back! - AmPeR3DMaX
Sat, 17 Apr 2004 19:19:20
holy crap it's real. Oh no...the pressure's on to say something clever. Hi Ryan. I think you're funny. Yeah...that's all I got. Also, I heard about the site from Drew Carey. Himself. Really. - Heather
Sun, 21 Mar 2004 16:17:38
FOR RYAN STILES ONLY!!!!!! Hello, my name is Ryan Carpenter. I have sent you many e-mails that have either never been read or have been read but never sent back. Just forward this letter back to me so I know you actually read your fan mail and then I can send all the stuff I really want to say to you. Just write your name at the top and forward this message. - Kenneth Carpenter
Wed, 03 Mar 2004 03:32:03
Wow! I just wanted to point out that you can kinda tell when they rerun the show that says the name of this site was on since a lot of these post are clustered together like that... like every few months people start to post again! lol... I have never seen that particular show but please please let me know when its on .. anyone please email me at kim122384 if you know its on cuz I want to see it cuz ROSA BLASI guess stars in it and ROSA BLASI is my all time favorite actress!!!!! - K. Francour
Yes! Please let me know too. I want to capture a screenshot of the 't-shirt' to put on this site. - LHB
Tue, 2 Mar 2004 11:30:44
Hey I'm just writing to see if you actually reply to these things or if you just stick them up on your site! If you atually reply I was wondering if you send out autographed pictures or not cuz I would really like one!! If you do just email me and I'll tell you were to send it.. Well, don't know what else to really say besides the fact that I really love what BrinkofLogic said on your site.. he was just full of good things to say! I heard of [this site] at http://www.tvtome.com/DrewCarey/season5.html#ep110 .. it summarizes each episode and for some reason it puts down that it meantioned this website and winloud.com with the summary so I can to check it out - From, K. Francour
Mon, 01 Mar 2004 11:40:36
I sent an e-mail to this address almost a year ago, didn't get a reply and thought it just got lost in the electronic wasteland (not far from there it turns out!!). I was doing obscure searches the other day, like for my name, and a link to your site came up. Funny says I, that there aren't a large amount of posts there. I am not sure if you don't put every mail you get up, or many many many people didn't pay attention to the fact that you stated an e-mail address. They probably figured it was bunk. I had to try it and now I realize that.... I WIN!!!! Mooo hoooo hoooo hooo haaa haaa haaa haaa!!! I sent an e-mail to that address Homer mentioned in one episode of the Simpsons. I got a reply back, I don't know if it was Matt Groehning (SP) or not, could have been someone who saw the show and created that address because of it's mention. Chunkylover53 ... I don't think it is active anymore though. There is another episode where Lisa blurts out an e-mail address..... I didn't quite hear it and haven't seen the episode again, or I would have sent a mail there. Anyhow, I am blabbering into obscurity here....... one more thing here though, your shoes...... a very bold statement. Oh, BTW, my dad works with someone who knows says they know you. Initials are MJ (No, not Michael Jackson) - Trent Kuver
Sun, 25 Jan 2004 23:18:59
i watch you guys on drew during my lunch break at work each night. we have to have the volume turned up pretty good to hear over the laughter. thanks for the great shows, prd in camp hill. - Shkaryelbe
Sat, 24 Jan 2004 17:27:08
Mon, 19 Jan 2004 02:17:39
Hey Ryan, I mean Lewis. I thought I'd email you AGAIN and tell you that I have the biggest craving for Oreos right now. I work as a waitress at Jerry's Famous Deli in West Hollywood and today I made SO many sundaes with Oreo crumbles on top. But do I get any for myself? No... the establishment would frown on that. My bud Laura is a waitress in Tennesse and I see she emailed you. She's your biggest fan. I'm just a chocolate-craving weirdo.... Are you going to actually post this? If you do, you have to send me feedback too. - Lisa
Sun, 18 Jan 2004 01:03:03
My friend Lisa pointed this out to me. You rock so much, and that guy Ryan is an inspiration to all us wanna-be improv comics out there. Hello to both of you. ;-) (Storm_Dancer on Livejournal.com) - Laura
Sat, 17 Jan 2004 20:41:50
hi, i watch you all the time on who's line and the drew carey show! you are so funny!! i can't get enough of it. i saw the episode on the drew carey show! the one where drew has his camera taping his life for everyone on the world wide web. great show. you are the best! - Christie
Sat, 17 Jan 2004 17:17:33
Sat, 17 Jan 2004 16:04:44
I was going to register lewishotbod dot com but since my name is neither lewis nor hotbod, I thought I'd go for something else. Maybe DeedeeBigButt dot com. I heard about the website last night on Drew Carey. - Lisa
Sat, 17 Jan 2004 00:49:11
Hi. I'm Elfdog and I heard about this website on the Drew Carey Show (the one where Drew has the internet camera in his house). You're awesome on Whose Line Is It Anyway!!!!! - BurnsofIllinois
Fri, 16 Jan 2004 23:53:29
Rilly like your site! - Sam & Buddy (poodles, age 3, combined)
Fri, 16 Jan 2004 23:40:22
I saw this address on the Drew Carey Show reruns on UPN9. I got into DCS a little late, but I love Whose Line. If this stuff really gets to Lewis/Ryan, is there any way I could get an autographed picture from him? I would supply my address if it's real. Even if it's just a fan effort, it's brilliant. Lewis is definitely my favorite character on the show. Thanks for the laugh :) - Jess
Fri, 16 Jan 2004 23:38:26
Just wondered who picked up the web site. - ej
Fri, 16 Jan 2004 19:37:19
lol i just like to see if sites on shows and movies are real. this is funny. - JunglistRaver420
Wed, 3 Dec 2003 05:28:45
hallo lewis i like so much and tha way you act on tha t.v. am a lady who like your show very much and never miss it.my nane is HOPE.and in kenya.pliz communicate to me.seeeyaaaa. - Hope
Mon, 24 Nov 2003 03:38:48
Hi Lewis! I think U have a hotbod, too! And yes, I am an attractive blond female. ;-)Brenda==b
Sat, 15 Nov 2003 15:15:39
Just saw a replay of that episode where Lewis (Ryan Styles...Stiles.......?) says this e-mail address. Just thought I would look into it....... ha ha. - Trent Kuver
Fri, 14 Nov 2003 16:15:29
Hey! Lewis rocks! Heard 'bout the site from drew carey show. Anyways, just wante to say hey! - MJ
Wed, 12 Nov 2003 20:25:42
hehe... looks like we're all gettin the idea to check out the site after
watching TBS... we're losers! - Ph4tcharlie
Wed, 12 Nov 2003 17:34:03
I have two words for you... YOU THE MAN! - Jimmy
Wed, 12 Nov 2003 17:20:15
Just between us...I think you are the most talented on Whose Line! - cwm57001
Wed, 12 Nov 2003 17:12:26
Your website is Lewis Hot Bod but we dont get to see that sweet hot bod! Lets see that so called "Hot Bod", Ryan!! WOOOHOOO!! Come On!! - George Weinstein
Wed, 12 Nov 2003 17:10:13
woohoo - Rick8325
Wed, 12 Nov 2003 17:07:25
ewislewishotbod.com what a hilarious thing to put on the internet - kyle outhouse
Wed, 12 Nov 2003 17:06:59
Hey lewis whats up jus saw your show love it - 6622072890
Wed, 12 Nov 2003 17:06:49
- BrinkofLogic
I guess Brink was a little short of words. - LHB
Mon, 1 Sep 2003 22:28:24
Fri, 29 Aug 2003 03:57:02
R U serious??? This email exists? wow- I am so sorry to hear that...Im sorry for you :( - XoPsychoKittenoX
Thu, 28 Aug 2003 22:08:02
Who are you, what do you want from me, and what have you done with my lemurs? - Keath Graham
Thu, 28 Aug 2003 19:08:21
I really like your show. Would you like to come over and have dinner with me? Right back you sexy god-like creature! Love, Someone Stinky - Dwight Schultz
Thu, 28 Aug 2003 18:07:39
Hey guys! great show. Keep it up. - Mike Rotch
Thu, 28 Aug 2003 16:34:47
Hi - pigwidgeon2
Wed, 21 May 2003 18:09:52
VerY enticing.... I think it's a hoot if this address works. Cheers! - Chris
Wed, 21 May 2003 17:18:54
hi lewis - NurseKAG2
Wed, 21 May 2003 17:10:55
Hi! just thought i would tell you that your hilarious! I could only pray and hope that I could be someone like you someday, you amazing, you have my dream job! Never stop, your great! - Johnathan
Wed, 21 May 2003 17:10:47
Hey Lewis, If con is the opposite of pro.. then whats the opposite of progress??? Too often, we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and bitch-slap that mother#?!&! upside the head - K-OSS Loop
Wed, 21 May 2003 17:06:49
hi - SEBrickhouse16
Wed, 21 May 2003 17:06:41
hey sexy baby - DramaQueen6887
Wed, 21 May 2003 17:06:40
is this real? - Winchestermantoo
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 22:08:37
I've literally dreamt of meeting you! Could you please send an autographed picture? My favorite one of your lines on "The Drew Carey Show"is about the underwater city away from the prying eyes of the "land people".-Mike
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 22:05:57
HI LEWIS XOXO - scarybirdman
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 17:07:14
hey lewis I love drew Carey's tv show you & oswald are the greatest. I am your biggest fan! please email me back. ide love a picture of you and oswald. - Emily
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 17:05:46 EST
My sister likes ya! She really digs ya! She wants ya! She really wants ya! - EyesofIntimidate
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 17:05:15 EST
Haha ~hEATHER "On the whole, those who appear to be the happiest are those who have no reason to be so except for that they are so." ~Me.
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:22:07
Ryan, You rock! You are a great comedian and an awesome actor. I enjoy watching you on "The Drew Carey Show" and "Who's line is it anyway?" You have a very fast wit :) Keep up the good work! And If you could find it in your heart to send me an autographed picture of yourself, (PLEASE :-) send it to: - Scott
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:05:42
is this for real? - michelle
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 14:07:46
hi there~ i'm a SWF, looking for a hot, HOT, HOT Lewis to tend to all of my cowgirl needs. please respond ASAP, before I lasso ya. -Cowgirl for all of your needs - micah punkergirl